Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church

Bible Study

The question could be asked after a 2 long years of a still wavering Pandemic.
Have it been a struggle for You, for you Ministry, and even for Your Church. This New Year would you like to see great and awesome changes take place in you life? In your Ministry? In your Church?

God is God of Miracles. He is in the business of changing lives and He wants to change yours and give you A NEW Refreshing ON LIFE! This candid, revealing, and uncompromising “Theme” that will free you to be all that God wants you to be.

I want to ask you two personal questions: when was the last great movement of God in your life? Here’s another question for you to answer: when was the last great movement of God in our church?

We talk about the need for spiritual awakening in America and I don’t suppose there has ever been a time in my life-time, that America needs a spiritual awakening anymore than today.

Let me speak straight to you? Our nation’s spiritual condition is a reflection of our churche’s spiritual condition and our churches condition is a reflection of our spiritual condition.

Spiritual awakening or revival will never come to America until it first comes to the churches. And it will not come to the churches until it comes to the members starting with this pastor.

Spiritual awakening will not start at the Whitehouse or the school-house, it will start at the church-house. When was the last great movement of God in you life?

When was the last great movement of God in our church? Pilgrim Baptist Church is in great need for a Refreshing wind blow upon us! Our greatest need today is a need that I cannot meet.

I can provide leadership and lead you.

I can produce messages and preach them.

But I cannot put into your heart a passion for holiness. I cannot put into your heart a desire to live godly in Christ Jesus.

I cannot put into your heart a burden for the lost.

I cannot put into your heart a spirit of generosity.

I cannot put into your heart a love for things that are holy and a hate for the things that are unholy. Only the Spirit of God can put those things into your heart.

So this New Year let God Refresh our Faith for Greater Works

Times of Refreshing: Ezekiel 37:9-11
When You Don’t Like Yourself Scripture Galatians: 5:13-15
The God of Miracles Scripture: Luke 8:40-48
Heavy Burdens: Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30
No Worries: Scripture: Luke 12:24-34

The unfolding of your words gives light;

it gives understanding to the simple.
Psalm 119:130