Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church

Deacon Ministry

Deacon Ministry

Deacon Jack Williams ————- Chairman

Deacon Calvin Harris ————- Co-Chairman

Deacon Frank Hill Jr.

Deacon Kenneth Brannon

Deacon Clarence Simpson

Deacon Ministry Point of Contact:

Deacon Jack Williams (318) 719-2872

Deacon Calvin Harris (601) 334-2393

“Wherefore, brethren, look among you for seven men of honest report,   full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.” ACTS 63


OUR MISSION is to fulfill the word of God. “Servant/Deacon” by exalting the Savior, being led by the Holy Spirit, studying God’s word, obedience, prayer, serving daily as a model of faith in Christ while meeting the physical and spiritual needs of God ‘s people.


Qualifications of a Deacon



One Who Loves and Fears God

Of a Good Reputation

Full of the Spirit and Wisdom

Works with the Pastor

One Who Loves to Serve

Not Greedy of Filthy Lucre

Husband of One Wife


Not Double-Tongued

Not Given too Much Wine

The Duties of a Deacon includes, but not limited to:


1.)      Serve the congregation and community.

2.)      Perform as devotional leaders.

3.)      Witness to unsaved family members.

4.)      Make hospital and home visits during sickness and sorrow.

5.)      Attend meetings.

6.)      Encourage the congregation to use their gifts in ministry.

7.)      Take charge of their Deacon Family Ministry Plan.

8.)      Serve as a Deacon of the Month and carry out those responsibilities.



Never be lacking in zeal,

but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
Romans 12:11