Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church

Health Care Ministry

Mission Statement

As a health Care Ministry our mission is to promote disease prevention and health promotion to meet the needs of the congregation and community. Our focus is planning, presenting, and coordinating health education events. We will provide referrals to community agencies, offer help and hope through visitations, and pray for wholeness of individuals and congregation. We are caring, spiritually mature people who each out to comfort, console, strength, teach and encourage members of the congregation. We are passionate servants, infused with prayer and responsibility. We are composed of faithful members who want to show the love of Christ using our talents.

Our Purpose

The Health Care Ministry’s purpose is to encourage health awareness and personal responsibility for wellness. We do not perform invasive procedures, nor are we similar to Home Health, Public Health Nurses or Health Specialties.

Advisor: Deaconess Janice King

Janice King
Laura Garner
Adell Green
Makeisha Young
Vanessa Means
Jacqueline Johnson

A cheerful heart is good medicine

but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22