Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church

Laymen’s Ministry

Mission Statement

Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church Laymen’s Ministry has the task of taking whatever action is necessary and effective to strengthen the church and to strengthen brotherhood and relationships in the Church , Community, and in economic and social programs.

Laymen work to advance the Kingdom through Christian social action . Commitment and consecration to the cause of Christ are only preparatory to accepting the demand that Christians be active in the service of Christ through the church.

The Focal passage of our ministry is likewise, 2 Corinthians 10:4 ( For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God through the tearing down of strong holds ). As we revolutionize the way we do ministry on into the year 2020 and beyond as we seek to Inspire, to Impact , and to change a generation even through the 21st century.

2020- 2022 Officers

Chair — Willie Seals

Co-Chair — Willie Johnson

Secretary — Charles Myles

Deacon Michael Winn

Melvin White

Stanton Anderson
Byron Jolla
Michael Winn
James York
Ardell Smith
Garnett Chaney
Willie Emery
Willie Johnson
Charles Myles
Melvin White
Willie Seals
Gary Stewart
Joseph Proby
Kenneth Brannon
Quincy Hardin
Derrick Means
John Williams
Frank Hill Jr


Laymen: Who are we

We are…
All the men of the local congregation
The channel through which means can make their best and most effective contributions
Make up of men who are deacons, trustees, ushers, choir members, etc.
Cultivators of Laymen Christian life through study, worship, fellow ship and service
Enlisters of unchurched men for fellowship in service through the church
A means by which unsaved men are brought into a vital relationship with God in Christ
Promoters of boy’s work in the local congregation


We are…
• Regenerated Men
• Trained Men
• Loyal Men
• Cooperative Men
• Praying Men
• Devoted Men
• Community-Minded Men
“The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him: Proverbs 20:7

Meeting Day and Time Business Meeting:
1st Thursday of the Month 6:30PM
117 Pilgrim Blvd, Natchez, MS 39120

Profile of a Layman
The following are a few of the major attributes of a True Laymen:
1. A true Layman must be born again Christian.
3. A Layman should serve as a Partner and /or Co-Laborer with the Pastor.
4. A Layman should be Loyal to God, Jesus Christ, and his Church.
5. A Layman should be Study to Show Himself Approved Unto God.
6. A Layman should also be a Cheerful Giver of both Time and Money to the Church.

Blessed is the man who listens to me,

watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.
Proverbs 8:34