Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church

Pastor Melvin L. White

Pastor Melvin White is an anointed man of God, who is called to preach and teach. From his pulpit rings a message of hope, love, and the gift of salvation to young and old. He is guided daily by his favorite scriptures: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Born in Natchez, MS, September 10, 1962, to the late Annie Mae Smith and Arthur Smith, Pastor White grew up in a Christian home with five other siblings. He was baptized at an early age and joined the church where he is now the pastor. After graduating from North Natchez High School in 1980, he began working. Well known for his mesmerizing voice, he also traveled throughout the area singing praises for the Lord.

His drive to do his best at any job and his pleasing personality eventually led to the purchase of his own distributorship with Little Debbie Snack Cakes. White Distributor became a successful business, employing four workers. It was during this time that he accepted his calling to the ministry. Licensed and ordained in 1997, he became the temporary pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church in Natchez, MS, where he had joined many years ago. Then on April 30, 1999, he was installed as the pastor of Pilgrim. Pastor White had come full circle. Tirelessly, he balanced family, work, his responsibilities as pastor and his studies at the Monroe Theological Seminary.

Pastor White ran a successful business for seven years, but after many prayers and hours of meditation, he stepped out on faith to become a full-time pastor. Under his leadership at Pilgrim; membership has seen tremendous growth. Church ministries now include a Deacon-Family Plan, grant writing committee, Christian education classes, a food pantry, and a drug awareness program. Though busy with a full-time church, Pastor White continues to find time to fellowship with others when asked to sing. In 2002, he was given a special honor when the Bluff City Post Newspaper of Natchez named him, “Pastor of the Year.”

Pastor White is married to Tammy Bingham White and they have four children, Melneatha, Angela, Bievie, and Takia.

Let us not be weary in doing good

for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9