Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church

Women on a Mission

We are Women on a Mission Ministry. Our ministry is a community of spirit-filled, loving women who are maximizing their God-given potential to serve their church, community, and others by impacting the world and by sharing the gospel of Jesus.

Mission Statement: (1) to enhance and empower all women spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially, by fellowshipping together through conferences, meetings, and Retreats. (2) to seek divine aid and guidance daily, through much prayer and studying His Word. (3) to strive together in unity to uplift God, Church, and Community. (4) to allow His Light to shine in us and through us that others may see Him in us, for His glory and Honor. 

Officers: Chairlady-Sister Alfredia Green, Co-Chairlady-Sister Avis Brannan, Secretary-Sister Carolyn Myles, Asst. Secretary-Sister Brenda Proby, Chaplain-Sister Patricia Sweazer, Asst. Chaplain-Sister Maxine Wright,  Advisor-Deacon Frank Hill Jr. 

Members: Cynthia Anderson, Diane Basely, Deborah Berry, Deaconess Mary Bradford, Sherry Cade, Andrea Dinelli, Deaconess Sherry Fells, Deaconess Janice King, Jeraline King, Shawn McKnight, Ebony Miller, Regina Smith, Diane Stokes, Rosa Washington, Joann White 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding, In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

Meeting Day and Time: 1st Tuesday of the month @6:00 p.m. PMBC Fellowship Hall 

She opens her mouth with wisdom,

and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Proverbs 31:26